Construction workers are building stronger river banks along the Nile river to protect it from erosion.

Visualizing Climate Change - Themes

The following collections of content have been prepared to exemplify ad  support communications around ‘Visualizing Climate Change’  and the TED Countdown themes. We hope they inspire photographers visually ahead of them interpreting our brief in their own style and stories.  

Energy   How rapidly can we switch to 100% clean power?

Transport   How can we upgrade the way we move people and things?

Materials  How can we re-imagine and re-make the stuff around us?

Food  How can we spark a worldwide shift to healthier food systems?

Nature  How do we better protect and re-green the earth? 

Countdown seeks to answer five fundamental, interconnected questions that help inform a blueprint for a cleaner future.

We are bringing together scientists, activists, entrepreneurs, urban planners, farmers, CEOs, investors, artists, government officials, and others to find the most effective, evidence-based ideas. Our goal is to identify the bold solutions that can be activated when people break out of their silos and rise to the challenge.

Photographers will be asked to select which theme(s) their submitted images or narrative is associated with.  


If the aim is 100% clean power, how is the shift towards this being implemented? Where do you notice it, on a large scale, or  an individual user level? What new technology is being implemented, where, and how? How does it work directly with the environmental factors and resources where it is located? 

Farm workers clean the solar panels of a solar water pump, India

A farmer checks the drip irrigation system in his rice field, India


How are we changing the way we move people and things to be more climate conscious? How is new technology being applied? What alternative transport methods have a lower climate impact? How are these being put to use to transport a large volume of people or goods, as well as individual journeys?

A hybrid metro bus that carries a rack on the front for passenger's bicycles, USA


What new materials are helping reduce climate impact? How can existing materials be repurposed to extend their use, and to support a circular economy in order to reduce consumerism and its environmental impact?

Construction workers are building stronger river banks along the Nile river to protect it from erosion, Egypt

Construction workers are building stronger river banks along the Nile river to protect it from erosion, Egypt


What food systems are being explored and adopted that are healthier for the environment, and have less climate impact? How is technology being used in food production? What methods of food production work more in harmony with a healthy environment and nature? What food types, and shifts in eating habits, are helpful? How is the distance from where food is produced to where it is  consumed being reduced, to lessen its climate impact?

Fish smokers use a processing device that allows the fish to be cured without damaging their health. Traditional curing generated large amounts of smoke and led to eye and lung diseases in many of the processors.


How can we better protect and re-green the earth? What efforts are being made to stop deforestation, increase reforestation, and increase greenery in urban centres? Which  plant species have qualities that can make them solution assets? How is this being implemented at both small and large scale?

Inclusive, sustainable management of water resources in Nepal depends on addressing climate change and protecting healthy, biodiverse ecosystems

Inclusive, sustainable management of water resources in Nepal depends on addressing climate change and protecting healthy, biodiverse ecosystems


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