Photographs from the Visualizing Climate Change open call, along with the seven Climate Visuals principles, feature in a new microsite on Google Arts and Culture that is launched today.
This site forms a new, immersive and shareable resource for communicating the images in the collection and the evidence base behind them. All too often, climate change imagery is ineffective at driving change – it may be aesthetically pleasing and illustrative but not emotionally impactful. The Climate Visuals evidence base proves that imagery needs to embody people-centred narratives, local impacts and positive solutions, and must resonate with the identity and values of the viewer.
Viewers can see the 100 images in the Visualizing Climate Change collection, scroll through the seven principles, and follow direct links to the Climate Visuals library where registered users can download images in the collection free for use by non-profits, educators and the editorial media.
About Google Arts & Culture
Google Arts & Culture puts the treasures, stories and knowledge of over 3,000 cultural institutions from over 80 countries at people’s fingertips. GoogleArts & Culture's mission is to make the world's culture accessible to anyone, anywhere. It’s a doorway to explore art, history, and wonders of the world, and discover stories about cultural heritage ranging from Van Gogh’s bedroom paintings, Puerto Rico’s heritage, sports in Australia or the women's right movement to ancient Maya temples, Japanese food and Indian railways.
Climate Visuals contact
For further information please contact visuals[at]climateoutreach.org